Everything Will Be Okay

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Everything will end up okay. If it currently isn’t, then it’s not over yet. Click to tweet

The world is going through a pretty rough stretch right now. I don’t know about you, but I am going through some COVID-fatigue right now. The problem is, now is not the time to get lazy.

So why do I say everything will be okay? Because we’ve been here before. We, as in humanity, have already conquered a pandemic before. Not just the Spanish Flu around 1918 but also the Bubonic Plague in the mid-1300s. I realize that the plague is a different type of disease than COVID, but it was horrific and humanity survived.

In comparing our COVID situation to the Spanish Flu or Bubonic Plague, we are in a MUCH better place. That is entirely due to modern medicine. We have extremely deep knowledge of viral diseases and immunology. So much so that treatments have been invented in record times.

Things Aren’t Over Yet

I started talking about COVID because that is something we are all dealing with right now, but this quote applies to other things as well.

The road we walk to get through the tough times

Whether we are in a rough patch with our relationships, work-life, or house maintenance issues, there are always things that seem to pop up. I have found that pushing through the tough times makes them go away.

For example, when I was planning to propose to my wife (girlfriend at the time), it was also a busy time with my job. I was leading a project that needed to compile test results and present them to a panel next week. I was doing okay juggling those two things when I got a call from one of the renters of my condo rental property at 11 pm.

Take it from me, whenever you get a call from a renter at 11 at night, it’s probably not a good thing. He said, “Dan, come over quick! There’s water coming through the ceiling!” The washing machine in the condo unit above mine was leaking and water was pouring into my unit.

At this point, I reached my limit. I was stressed about planning for the biggest event in my life. I was stressed about my work deadline. And now, I had to deal with water damage in my rental property.

After a freak-out moment (everyone is allowed to have these), I got my head on straight. Funny enough, I turned on Rodney Atkins “If You’re Going Through Hell”.

“If you’re goin’ through hell keep on going

Don’t slow down if you’re scared don’t show it

You might get out before the devil even knows you’re there”

These lyrics couldn’t have been truer for me during that period of time. Three big things happening all at the same time and all needing my attention during working hours. What was I supposed to do?

Just Keep On Going

I’ll tell you what I wasn’t going to do. I wasn’t going to sit down, panic, and become paralyzed under all of the pressure. It was one of the most stressful periods of my life for a couple of reasons.

First, I had wanted to propose to my (then) girlfriend for months but this coming weekend was the only weekend that would work for the weather, venue, and guests I wanted to be there for her.

Second, months and months of work had been put into generating test results at work so that we could compile the appropriate analysis reports for the pre-mission briefing. I wasn’t going to screw this up.

Third, I was responsible for 3 people’s home. They counted on me to provide them with a clean, habitable, and water-free property, which it currently was not. I felt guilty this happened even though it wasn’t my fault. But I definitely wanted to get it all fixed as soon as possible for them.

As I look back on this, I could’ve done one of two things: 1) throw my hands up and say “I give up.” or 2) figure it out and get it done.

Simple, Not Easy

I chose option 2 because, to me, it is the only way to get these 3 things off of my plate. If I just sat around, more things would just pile up and then I truly wouldn’t be able to accomplish everything.

“Just get it done” is simple in theory but was definitely not easy. However, it was one of the most rewarding accomplishments I’ve had. At this point, I am successfully married to that same amazing woman, I got a promotion due to my presentation, and I had fulfilled my obligations to my renters. I fixed up the place and even let them choose the new paint color.

At the end of the day, everything worked out. Not because I was smart but because I worked hard, didn’t give up, and realized one important thing:

I decide when it’s over and, in my mind, it’s not over until everything is okay.

And that’s how I know everything will be okay.


I’m Dan! I started this blog to try to understand the keys and secrets to have a rich life. To me, rich doesn’t just mean monetarily successful but successful in all aspects of life. My top priority is to be rich in all areas of life. That means to be successful in gaining abilities, experiences, relationships, health, and, yes, even money as I live my life to its fullest. To me, that means there has to be some sort of balance.

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2 Responses

  1. Linda says:

    Very Inspiring!!!!

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