Your Support Team is Critical to Becoming Rich

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“It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re working with turkeys.”

Leadership and teamwork are qualities that cannot be overstated. All successful individuals will say that they did not get to the top by themselves. They always talk about their team that pushed them to get there.

This weekend, Tiger Woods finished The 2022 Masters tournament only 14 months after he was almost killed in a car accident. Whether you think Woods is a good person or not, he is widely regarded as one of the best golfers to ever play the game.

But just look at this quote from Woods that he said right after he finished his final round. He has been going through a grueling stretch physically where his rehab and training have led him to be able to compete and beat almost half of the top professional golfers in the world (finished 47th out of 92 total participants).

The part that I want to point out to you the most here probably won’t get that much attention. It isn’t flashy, eye-catching, click-bait nor is it controversial or newsworthy. It’s something that we always hear but gloss over in the middle of the quote. I know I do. In my head I say, “yeah, yeah, yeah… we know.” But let’s take a look at it,

“I have those days where I just don’t want to do anything, it just hurts, but I have had a great team around me that are positive, that has motivated me and helped me around.”

Tiger Woods

(Bold and underline was me). That team helps him when he needs it most. That is why he was able to achieve the unthinkable not just play 4 rounds at one of the most competitive tournaments in the world but compete. This is an athlete thanking his team that helped him in those days when he needed a pick-me-up.

Professional Support Team

The 2022 Academy Awards were a couple of weeks ago. I know we all heard about “the slap”, but I am not here to discuss that incident. A lot of other people and places have talked about it enough.

What I want to talk about are some of the acceptance speeches. Again, these are professionals at the top of their acting careers, winning the most prestigious awards. For example, Jessica Chastain won Best Actress for her role in THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE. If you haven’t seen the movie yet or don’t know who Chastain is, it doesn’t matter.

For a quick summary, Chastain has been acting since 2004 but didn’t have a breakthrough until 2011. Think about that! 7 years doing something before you are recognized! And she knows that she didn’t get there by herself.

Listen to her acceptance speech for her Best Actress award and let me know if you hear something similar to what Woods said.

She spends the first minute-plus of her 3-minute speech thanking people who helped her along the way. Further into her speech, she circles back to thanking more people for help and inspiration.

Another award show, The Grammys, was a couple of weeks ago as well. With more acceptance speeches to choose from, I wanted to point out a particular one that is truly about a support system. The award for Best New Artist usually has a person that has no idea what to say or to have something prepared because they haven’t been there before.

Olivia Rodrigo won the award this year and spends her entire minute thanking people. Take a listen and let me know if you hear similar words. My favorite part is where she thanks her amazing parents and best friends to help her achieve her dream.

Obviously, there are many more acceptance speeches that have similar content about thanking people that got them there. Coincidence? I think not.

Your Personal Team

Everyone needs a team behind them, pushing them forward when their motivation wanes or they are having a particularly bad, physically painful, or mentally draining day. These professionals did not get to the top of their profession without the help and support of those around them.

If I want to become successful in my professional, it seems like a no-brainer that I should build a team around me that will push me. I need those people to hold me accountable for what I say I am going to do no matter the circumstances.

While those at the top of their profession can pay for the best support team, they didn’t necessarily get to the top by shelling out big bucks before they had any. Woods was coached by his dad when he was a kid. Chastain grew up with a single mother and had some tough times of her own.

We all have some days when we don’t want to get out of bed or off the couch. That is where we need our support system the most! Because a nervous bird like a turkey won’t be able to push you to become that eagle you know you can be.


I’m Dan! I started this blog to try to understand the keys and secrets to have a rich life. To me, rich doesn’t just mean monetarily successful but successful in all aspects of life. My top priority is to be rich in all areas of life. That means to be successful in gaining abilities, experiences, relationships, health, and, yes, even money as I live my life to its fullest. To me, that means there has to be some sort of balance.

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